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What Is Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment, often referred to simply as a "root canal," is a dental procedure used to treat a severely damaged or infected tooth. It is designed to save a tooth that might otherwise need to be extracted.

Root canal treatment is highly effective in saving teeth that would otherwise be lost due to infection or damage. While the procedure has a reputation for being painful, modern techniques and anesthesia make it relatively comfortable for most patients. It is essential to follow the dentist's or endodontist's aftercare instructions to ensure proper healing and long-term success.+

Why is RCT Required?

Recurrentor repeated abscess on gums

Prolonged sensitivity

Dull pain on chewing

Darkening of tooth

Deep decay on the tooth

Difficulty or pain while chewing food

Cracked or broken tooth

How is Root Canal performed

Step 1:

The very first step involves an X-ray which is taken to determine the extent and approach to infection. If required local anesthesia is administered before starting the treatment.

Step 2:

The next step is Cavity Preparation. A cavity is prepared, making sure all the infected tooth material or previous filling material is removed and a proper approach to inner-part of the tooth (pulp) is established.

Step 3:

This is followed by disinfection and shaping of pulp canals. The infected pulp is cleared out completely, canals are shaped and cleaned. Thorough disinfection is achieved.

Step 4:

Clean and disinfected canals are then sealed and filled with an inert rubber-like filling material known as Gutta-Percha.

Step 5:

The very last step is restoration & crown. The crown portion of the tooth cavity is then restored with a filling, followed by a Cap/Crown cementation.


Do not put pressure on the tooth. Since there is no crown, the tooth is unprotected as a result, putting pressure can cause damage to the tooth.

Avoid hard and crunchy food, instead chew soft food until final restoration

Be careful while brushing. Do not be too harsh while brushing

Get a dental crown as soon as possible as this will protect your tooth from further damage

Visit your dentist if you face any complexities or severe pain